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FP Society Insta @fpsociety_mmu

a little intro to me...

Welcome to my online showcase! Featuring a wide range of my creative work, exploring brand image & identity in relation to consumer culture. I am an omnichannel designer, experimenting in photography, styling, creative direction, video, app design, and more! I have included consumer research and market research in the different sections to show my understanding of target markets and how segmentation is key to appealing to a specific customer.


I recently graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University, studying BA(Hons) Fashion Promotion with a First Class Honours degree, averaging a grade of 80 for my final year. I was also the President of MMU’s Fashion Promotion Society, a highly demanding but rewarding role. I’m a great team player and eager to enter the professional working world. I thrive off working with people, however I also feel confident in myself and working independently. My retail experience has provided me with a strong and resilient attitude, able to continue as a hard-worker whilst under pressure. I’m interested in the future of fashion; exploring sustainability, new technologies and experiential marketing techniques. I consider myself to have a strong knowledge of consumer markets which I can apply well to a marketing role. I also have good knowledge & skills in current and upcoming social media platforms, understanding what segment of consumer uses each one and why they do.


Based in

Manchester, UK

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